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Thank You for Your Sacrifice
Monday, November 20, 2023

Dear Ministry Partner,

I recently heard a message on 1 Corinthians 9:16.

"For if I preach the gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!"

The given context provided me with the understanding that the gospel necessitates a lifestyle characterized by acts of selflessness and renunciation. Paul presented numerous pieces of evidence to support his argument on engaging in tent-making while actively engaged in preaching the gospel. Nevertheless, in consideration of others, he refrained from using his rights and instead showed a willingness to make personal sacrifices in order to effectively disseminate the gospel to those who were spiritually adrift. Even more so, Jesus willingly sacrificed His entitlement in order to facilitate our transformation into offsprings of God, even during the period when we were in opposition to Him. He made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. Shouldn't the gospel then compel us to live a life of sacrifice?

Thank You for Your Sacrifice to ESMI

You have made sacrificial contributions to assist ESMI in achieving its goals. We thank God for His unwavering support and provision through you. Because of your sacrificial giving and prayers for ESMI, God has accomplished the following:

* 11 new churches planted in 2023 despite all the unrest. One of those churches is built between two gang-owned territories!
* 207 churches planted over almost three decades* Over 3,372 salvations so far this year
* 45,000 people in worship throughout the 207 churches
* 2,000 copies of the French Bible distributed after flooding and earthquake this past summer
* Creole audio Bibles were blessing to many who cannot read and especially to a pastor who recently went blind.
* 53 schools with 8,500 students in attendance
* More than 7 million meals provided to individuals in 2023
* Ongoing medical assistance to the communities through ESMI facilities.
* New church planting work in Chile, South America
* New church plant in Haines City-Davenport, Florida

Thank You for Caring for the Children

Your contribution this past year has facilitated the provision of books, school supplies and uniforms. Your parntered with us in providing noursihing meals to our children residing in the various children centers. Your gifts enabled almost 100% of our students to pass the national exams! To God be the glory!


Meet ESMI Department Coordinators

Haiti is divided into ten departments/states. ESMI is active in five of those. We are grateful to the Lord for these four leaders and the departments they oversee to continue the goal of ESMI in church planting and leadership development.

*Pastor Moril is the ESMI coordinator for the South-East and Central Plateau/Mirebalais Departments.
*Pastor Previlon is the ESMI coordinator for Artibonite/Gonaives Department.
*Pastor Aurel is the ESMI Coordinator for the Grand-Anse/Jeremie Department.
*Pastor Mongerard is the ESMI Coordinator for the South/Les Cayes Department.

Please keep these men, their families and their ministries in your prayers.

Amidst all the unrest and uncertainties in Haiti, ESMI could not continue ministry if it were not for the dedication of these four coordinators and their wives. Every month, as the finances allow, the leadership team, along with other key pastors meet in a secure location to strategize, encourage, and prepare sermons and lessons to pass on to their own leadership team and congregations. These meetings have been a blessing. Over the summer, we studied the Book of Revelation together to counteract the many false doctrines being taught across the island.

Thank You for Your Prayers

Haiti Update: Following the assassination of President Jovenal, the nation has been in a heightened state of decline. Life is even more challenging and difficult to endure. The senate is in a state of dysfunction and the prime minister has no concrete plans for conducting an election. There is a prevailing cloud of insecurity due to gang organization in several cities in and around Port-au-Prince. Their presence makes it difficult to cross from one region to another; and often, they demand exorbitant fees to pass through their territories. Cost of living has not doubled, but tripled. Shortage of gas remains a siginificant concern. Pray for Haiti's peace and for new leadership. Pray for the church to raise an army of leaders with a heart for the Gospel.

"The needs are enormous, the conditions so perplexing, that every power of mind falters and fails. We forget that the one great reason underneath all missionary enterprise is not first the elevation of the people, nor the education of the people, nor their needs; but first and foremost the command of Jesus Christ- "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations."~Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest.

Despite the dire situation, by God's grace and with your partnership, ESMI will continue to press forward in the proclamation of the Gospel through church planting and leadership development. In the Haitian Christian culture, future actions are often parenthesized with the phrase: "Si Bondye vle" or "if God wills."
As the Lord wills, join us in prayer:
* To raise $50,000 to meet year end budget for 2023
* To plant 12 new churches in 2024
* To continue leadership training in Canada, Dominican Republic, Florida, Haiti and now Chile
* To provide 8 million meals in 2024
* To host General Assembly on May 20-26, 2024.
* To raise an additional $25,000 for the schools in Gonaives area for school year 2023-2024.
* To build 50 homes for those still in tents. 72 homes have been built since the 2021 earthquake. To God be the glory!
* To raise funds for two new transmissions needed for the University of Jeremie buses. These buses are a great ministry to the students.

Thankful for your prayers and your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.We praise God for each and every one of you!Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!



"And let us not grow weary of doing good,for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."
 - Galatians 6:9 ESV


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Send a check to:
El Shaddai Ministries Int'l, Inc.
c/o The Keyes Company
2121 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 100
Miami, FL 33129

Please note new suite number, 100, when mailing checks.

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    • 11/20/2023 - Thank You for Your Sacrifice
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    • 09/27/2021 - Phase III - $500,000 Matching
    • 09/06/2021 - Bless the Lord, O My Soul Mon
    • 08/31/2021 - Rebuilding SW Haiti - The Long
    • 08/27/2021 - Because You Gave Generously...
    • 08/25/2021 - Serving the Nippes Communities
    • 08/22/2021 - Worshiping God in the Midst of
    • 08/20/2021 - Marveling at God's Faithful Pr
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    • 08/16/2021 - Earthquake Update: Monday, Aug
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    • 11/26/2019 - $50k Matching Fund
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    • 11/02/2019 - Haiti-ESMI Prayer Request
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    • 10/04/2019 - Help Me Pray for Haiti
    • 09/27/2019 - Update from Dony and Sharon St
    • 05/21/2019 - Haiti News Spring 2019
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To be a Christ centered ministry providing Haiti with passionate church leaders and to establish a network of Haitian churches that are spiritually healthy, evangelical and self-sustaining.
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